Monday, February 15, 2010


It has been ten weeks since I have written anything on this blog. Silence.

Here is a thought for you: Much happens during times of silence.

Think about that for a moment. In this electronic format, while this keyboard has been silent, class has pressed on. In the sophomore classes, in addition to the massive change of personnel in my afternoon classes, we have explored the strengths of poetry: word choice and the interpretative power of presentation. Now, we are exploring personal beliefs as we engage in an intense writing environment. In the freshmen classes, we continue with the reading process and couple that with the analytical skills of identifying the core literature elements: plot, character, seting, theme, and point-of-view.

Since I've last written, we have celebrated four holidays [can you name them?], we've had two students involved in serious accidents, and MANY changes in the political realm [pay attention, things WILL affect you].

And yet, silence. Silence does not necessarily mean cessation. Things still happen. In fact, silence allows for more focus -- to recognize the enormity of activity, to hone in on the big picture, to see more of our minute existence.

So why do I bring this up now?

Because I needed a break from the fast pace of the routine. I needed silence. I needed a moment to hear myself breathe. An "Aha" moment where I realize that my life is busy, not slowing down any time soon. [Yeah, that was a fragment, so what?] That "Aha" moment led to the realization that it is all right to have a stack of papers nine inches high that need to be graded, it is all right to not have the calendars in the classroom updated, it is all right to take a moment for me in the middle of the mundane insanity. It is perfectly acceptible to live out the seventh habit.


A whisper, "Pause, reflect, take a moment to charge the batteries."

The interesting thing about silence . . . it never lasts. I've had my moment. Now it is time to get moving again. Let's make some academic noise! Are you ready?


So I write about this thing called "silence" with the hopes that things will go back to normal -- whatever that means. I thought that maybe I'd be able to get caught up on grades by now and that my momentum would pick up a little bit in the classroom.

What I am continuing to learn is that the best made plans are the ones that will surely change. I did not expect the weather to be what it is -- to have as many snow days as we have had. I did not expect my home computer to go out and be without one for four days. I did not expect my wife's car to experience "problems." And most importantly, I did not expect the bold reality that the human body is frail; manifesting itself in my wife's back, which decided to go out Friday evening; and, in the middle of my soccer clinics, her uncle comes into the gym to inform me that he has just taken her to the emergency room.

When I mentioned the break from the routine I was not expecting THESE things to be a part of the equation. I guess there is another lesson here that I need to learn. MY schedule must remain open to the persistence of life. Silence may be golden, but it does not follow the golden rule.


  1. I'm ready to make some noise and learn something. Because knowledge is power! or would you prefer And knowing is half the battle!

    TJ 1st hour

  2. I think that the This I believe unit is going to be really fun, and educational. So far we've only read a few stories but I love how different they are and how you seem to be able to write about anything.
    The silence was nice, if only that could happen in class, but sometimes the noise can be just as nice.

  3. If this was posted on Facebook I would press the "like" button. I really like the intense writing environment and I think we should definatly do some more writing of our own poetry. I think silence tells the truth. That's why people dislike it so much; because by having no other distractions you have to face the facts. The defintion of silence is: a condition where there is absolutely or almost no sound, which is false, because life is still moving around us. We're just taking the time to realize what lies ahead in our own life.
    Yes, I am ready to make some academic noise!!

  4. Well, during this season of basketball I've been so busy I haven't had the time to stop and hear myself think. I've had games or practice or something to do every single day of the week except Sunday since November. Luckily I was blessed with a first hour study hall this semester allowing me to keep up with all my homework, but still I find myself feeling "drained" and feeling I don't have the time to "recharge the batteries." Academics have taken a back seat to basketball and sleeping for that matter. I've just been squeezing by with all my work and tests, while devoting nearly all of my energy to playing a sport that has offered few rewards this season. SO I agree, I as well need to stop and take some time to reflect and embrace the silence.

  5. I feel that there is so much going since we have been back from christmas break. Snow days and teacher meetings have the teachers and students out of class making it hard if you dont fully understand what we are learning. As said before, cheerleading is taking up some time in my schedule and its hard to get a break between all the games and homework. I find myself taking naps when i get home from school because i cant keep them open anymore. I do think that after cheerleading there will be more time for silence and to reflect on my day. In class i feel like we are soo busy with the This I Believe project and learning new things. But i think it would be much easier to learn if the class would have some silence and reflect on the assignment and it would make it much easier to learn and understand and we wouldnt have as many questions or distractions. So i agree that i need to stop and have some silence at home, at school, and it life in general just to reflect on it all.


  6. The feeling of quiescence is often absent in the frantic manner our lives progress in day by day. However, despite this major obstacle I agree with the fact that the time needs to be made for a self-rejuvination session every once in a while. In the past year I have learned a lot about how imperative it can be to take some time to sharpen the saw between my juggling act of over 18 extra-curricular activities, some of which require investments of well over 25 hours a week. As one might guess, after inputting all of these hours into the activities I am involved in while maintaing a high GPA, there is not much time left for me to worry about the needs of my corporeal and spiritual self. As a result of this I have found myself, along with having developed heavy bags under my eyes from lack of sleep, forced into a high-stress environment driving myself for excellence while severing the exiguous ties I have with my remaining friends.

    Forcing myself to face these dissapointing but irreversable facts, I prepare myself with for my junior year of high school with a steely resolve to change how I treat others taking the things I have learned from Mr.Kimble's 7 Habits unit and implementing in my life. Thank you for teaching me to be a better listener, student, and person Mr.Kimble. Please do not lose faith in my ability to focus and be a diligent student throughout the remainder of the year. If I happen to branch off on some tangent in class please patiently call me back to order and respect the fact that, no matter how random or selfish I may seem in class, I desire only to prove myself as an intelligent individual, no matter how unnessecary. Despite these major flaws I am truly grateful for your patience with me in class.

    Despite the jumpy and sketchy tone of this "comment" I find myself more caught up in expressing myself through writing this than I have in many classroom environments. Perhaps the singing in the shower theory (you sing better in the shower than in front of others) applies to even the most outgoing of us. Anyways, thank you for this refreshing blog article and the joy in has brought me in writing this small comment.
    P.S. I can write fancy too see ^^^^^^^^!
    P.P.S I hope your wife feels better.

  7. I totally know what you mean with being swamped. I have been doing musical and trying to keep up with school and my social life, meanwhile i have been going crazy. I need to take a step back and relax and just let silence take over. I am very excited for the "This I Believe" section. Meeting up with Mrs. Shortals class and working with them was really nice. Keep doing a great job Mr. Kimble! You rock!

  8. I am trying very hard in my life to find 'silence'. I sometimes think about dropping a few of my many activities, but I find that if I were to do that, my life would be boring. I absoulutly love my active, hetic life. It gives me something to do. How I find 'silence' is in the few moments where I do nothing and where I plan a day to just hang with friends and/ or go shopping. Those moments allow me to be able to enjoy my life to the fullest without having to drop my extra activities that I also enjoy(even though sometimes I seem as if I don't). I just defidently need to include the 'silence' to keep going.

  9. My life isn't nearly as hectic as half of the people in JCHS. My classes are easy, I dont play fall sports or do play. So, what do I do with the empty time on my hands? Complain about being bored, instead of enjoying the silence. Sometimes you need to get lost in your thoughts while your not distracted by all the noise.

  10. I think that everyone needs to have silence every once in a while. I have been out of sports this winter and have loved the time off. Now I am starting a spring sport and feel ready to go back to being very busy. I believe that if you are always busy and you don't take time to think about things you don't enjoy them as much.

    MLT 1st

  11. I can see what your saying. I have a hectic life with musical going on and my many other activities. I try to keep my grades up and fit homework and studying into my schedule with the extra practices I need outside of practice. I always thought about quitting musical just to make time to relax but then as our director would say that would be taking the easy way out. I realized after joining musical I didn't care about it at all. It was just my escape from home. I make my life hectic just so I don't have to spend time at home because there are some bad memories. Silence makes us think about things we rather keep buried inside our mind. Silence is enjoyable yes but its not always better. I agree with the second post. People dislike silence because "by having no other distractions you have to face the facts." People rather run away from truths that they don't like rather than facing it. I know I shouldn't be talking because I'm one of those people who rather believe in the lie rather than the truth. So it a good or bad thing?(In this comment I don't know whether or not I make sense or not because I was never good at writing things like this)

  12. Okay so I agree silence is good sometimes, but other times you have to speak up...this entire year we have been doing english stuff, but with the same theme: am I a good person, how to I become a better person, and now this whole what I believe thing honestly...its getting old. This english class is feeling like a one year long seminar on how to be a better person and now turning into another seminar on your beliefs. I actually wanted to read a book, to understand a book, and maybe even to take a quiz on a book?(not really but I would like to read one) I mean, isn't that what we've been doing in regular english classes since like forever? How is getting us to be better people and writing about our beliefs helping us get prepared for the ACT. I can see how the Iliad was, by reading something and then taking notes and COMPREHENDING what we are reading, like on the ACT, but I don't see how any of this better people/beliefs thing is. It's just getting old......

  13. I liked your bloggs, it was cool to actually see what the teacher was thinkin about the class. Wow, I can't believe its been 10 weeeks, thats awhile, it seems shorter, but anyways you are a teacher at from like what 8-3, but then as soon as you go home you magically turn into a fully fuctioning adult/human, I understand your frustration with grades and I don't really care about grades, as ling as you have em done at a reasonable time before quarter end, which you almost have to do anyways.
    JAB 3RD

  14. Silence is definitely golden, but with a big family I never expect to get any. Which I am very much used to. The quietest time of my day is when I take a test in one of my classes or when I go for a run.. I would prefer to have a bit more silent time during our class time, but sometimes I am one of the people that cause it.. I am sorry about that.
    I really enjoy This I Believe. Will we be actually writing one and maybe sending it in? I really hope that we do. It is exciting to see that your essay might be read by people all over the world (?)(or is this only located in the U.S.?). Either way it is interesting.
    Also I am going to agree and disagree with (they didn't give their name..) the person that had a comment on February 28 at 6:15 P.M. I agree that we need to do more comprehending and reading more books. That is was definitely a harder part of the ACT. I took it about a month ago. I disagree that the character building and other self reflecting exercises are getting old. I don't have any idea who said that but I think that everyone will always need improving and doing This I Believe and The Seven Habits is very much helping me realize things that I had never noticed. I think that everyone can use these and you should not get rid of them completely. Everyone in the entire world, no matter who you are, can become a better person. So whoever said that should maybe pay more attention and realize how it is helping you and let it help you. If you are so stubborn about it how do you expect it to help? If all I thought about during class was how stupid it was, I would probably hate the class, dislike what we were doing, and never learn anything in it. I think you should try to keep an open mind and listen to others, they have good advice sometimes.
    And before I say much more and get myself into a fight I better move on. So, I conclude that this year has been great, silence is amazing when available, and I continue to learn very much in your class. Thank you.

    KLW 3rd.

  15. I'm not sure whether or not I agree with the statement silence is golden. Sometimes it's great but when it's quiet you think and if I think too long it hurts. Other times I would sell my soul for a moment of silence. I guess I like noise when it's silent and I like silence whenever it's noisy.


  16. I am in basketball and with winning regionals i dont have much time to focus all of my attenition on school work. I would like more time in class to work on the assignments and have time to think. I think that i need to work on being more organized and using my time wisely. I think that silence would be good in class and for me to also have some silence at home.
    GSJ 6th

  17. I really like reading these blogs!! I am ready for a new one, and i need some more extra credit!

  18. I agree with the saying that "Silence is Golden", it is in those moments that you can take some time to think and get things in order. I'm in 1st hour and I must say it is not a place for silence. I think we should all work harder to make more time for silence. In our class we do a lot of writing that requires deep thought. This cannot possibly be achieved in a loud environment.
    JRS, 1st hour

  19. This I Believe and the Seven habits were so beneficial. Yes I know that it was hard trying to grasp the idea of the whole This I Believe thing. I still enjoyed it. The whole silence thing if its suppose to have any type of symbolism then I never got it. But I do agree that silence is golden. In our silences at school we had 2 badly hurt and it affected us in a great way.
    BAJ 7th hour!~!

  20. I think that taking part of your day to just relax and enjoy the silence can be very beneficial. It really helps you relax and escape the stress of reality. It can also help you figure out problems that are taking place in your life. While in silence you can also reflect on yourself as a person. This is when you realize who you really are, what your weaknesses and strenghts are, and what you can do to improve your life. Overall everyone should find some time in their day to relax and ejoy the silence.

    ARB 7th hour

  21. Yes, silence is golden, definatly after a busy hectic few months. So when you finally do silence yourself and chill you realize what all has been goign on and how hard things have been going on in our life. My life is going to get real hectic with Musical coming up and other activites with is and Homework, but I will remember this and remember to chill and take a scond for myself to slow down and rest because I don't want to run myself down. And for silence it is not that it just helps you it helps the others around you, You will be more of a pleasant person you could say due to how you act when you are rushing all the time. You may be more relaxed and happy.

  22. I do agree that silence is a must in everyday life. I had a pretty busy year last year with all the sports I do and how much effort I put into them, so silence is needed so I can gather all of my thoughts. It is nice once in a while to have a few hours to yourself and these snow days have done that for me. By juggling basketball, softball, and homework on a daily basis is hard for me, so yes once agian everyone does need some silence in their lives to get through everyday. This blog has helped me understand what teachers mean by "I need you to be quiet so I can think, you have your time to talk later" it does help to be silent, so students help your teachers out be silent.
    JLB 3rd hour

  23. What is silence anyway? Is it a lack of noise, stillness in a room, I don't know. There are so many ways to describe silence. I believe that if a person would like to have a little silence in their day then they should wake up 5 minutes earlier than normal and sit, and prepare for their day in silence

    CCB 3rd hour

  24. Ahhh, silence. Never much of that in 7th hour... huh Mr. Kimble? Mainly because of me and my engerizer bunny qaulities. I do think that, silence is what we need/ what it takes to control ourselves sometimes. Taking a breather.... I need those moments even though... I am crazy. I wanna do good in class, I wanna learn, I wanna be prepared for life after JCHS. I don't know how much more I can take of the crazyness that goes on sometimes in class. I just wish more students felt the same.

    If possible... even if this blog is a year old. You allow us some silence b4 class even starts because that's the worse part of class when we all walk in! A few minutes of no talking.. to focus on what we had for homework.. what we have been learning.... whatever we need to thinnk about involving enlgish! I am all for this!!! I believe to exceed. I <3 this blog:)

  25. ok mr.kimble i totaly understand where u are comming from. students just dont understand how to listen not just to the words but to what is behind them. read in between the lines people. its like your best friend you no when something is wrong when they say they are fine. if u can tell that then u should no how to read the "silence." whenever we walk into your room you let us talk for the first ten seconds (exagertion) to catch up with our friends but when even you get up and stand there by the smart board you expect us to be silent. if students understand where im coming from then they no that they are reading the silence you want us to be quite. if u can do that then you can read the silence. students just need to let it come natural if u stop and listen to wats going on around them. so pretty much what you are doing is thinking about otheres before yourself. and thinking before you talk yes people might think your a little slow because u stop and think but eventualy you wont be the only one doing it. so just kick back and relax and be you dont let anyone get to you. be yourself dont try to be anyone else

